Fashion Retailer To Close All Connecticut, U.S. Stores
ACROSS CONNECTICUT — Fashion and accessory retailer New York & Company announced Monday plans to eventually close all its locations, citing bankruptcy complications.
New York & Company has a presence mainly in shopping malls and fashion outlet centers. New York and Company’s Connecticut locations include:
- Manchester
- Milford
- Trumbull
- Waterbury
- Danbury
- Foxwoods casino
Its parent company, RTW Retailwinds, filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection Monday. RTW sent an ominious warning to investors about that possibility in June.
RTW announced that plans to continue reopening New York & Company stores “when and where” appropriate for clearance sales. For example, the store at the Shoppes and Buckland Hills mall in Manchester was advertising a 50 percent off sale for “everything.”
The bankruptcy process will include RTW bioptimizers coupon code evaluating any bids for both its brand and online business, according to the announcement. When it celebrated a century in business two years ago, RTW was boasting 385 domestic stores. That was whittled down by 30 in the 12 month period before the coronavirus pandemic broke out.
The company was incorporated in 1918 and has been public since 2004. It is headquartered in New York City.
This article originally appeared on the Across Connecticut Patch