How to Get a Girl to Like You! 5 Steps to Attraction
Ok, well let’s face it, women are smart, I mean real smart… Contrary to our beliefs guy’s simple pickup lines or even imitations of money, success or power doesn’t always work, in fact they rarely work. Even in that type of success you need to ask yourself is that the type of woman that you really want to be involved with if those lower levels of communication and tactics even got you somewhere? Surely If it worked for you it worked for many other guys and I can’t speak for everybody, but I do like to pick somewhat descent ones. Here I promise to give you a leg up on simply “getting the girl”; things women can’t ignore and generally love to have. Even if they might not know it or realize what they are missing, they will be soon to fall head over heels for you. This my friend is what we call becoming the true MASTER OF SEDUCTION!
First of all fellas, a real player is straightforward and honest, he is not ashamed or embarrassed about his wants, likes or dislikes. Women can sense your level of honesty from a mile away; don’t try to run away from this. Now, some of you will read this as just asking for sex upfront… well… that could work sometimes… But I will give you something a little better than that. Hold on and just take notes with me. This is the sure way of how to get a girl to like you.
Seduction Rule #1: Attraction is important, but even ugly guys can make up a lot of ground if your dressed nice, SMELL GOOD, have a clear haircut and groomed well. Don’t try to go out and look like a rapper, singer, or a jersey shore TV star… just be you. Keep it simple, clean and classy. Guys put on a nice fitting pair of jeans, a button up for the weather, pair of boat shoes, maybe a vest or a blazer. Give them something the spells interesting, yet comfortable at the same time not trying too hard. That’s also what we call SWAG, women think that’s sexy. Please don’t forget to smell good, let the little lady behind the counter tell you what’s good if you need some help at the mall.
Seduction Rule #2: Got to appear harmless! Hopefully you really are harmless… If you’re some type of sicko this blog was never intended for you I promise. For the regular fellas, do not attack her, make demands or even set crazy expectations. Be understanding to her needs and be patient, never rush a woman. Do things that place you beneath her like rubbing her feet, carrying her left over food after dinner etc. The mindset is that you want her to feel you’re the last person in the world to worry about and yes this can be done on the first date!
Seduction Rule #3: Have something to talk about. Find what her likes are and speak about them. If she likes track and field speak to whatever knowledge you may have of the matter. Then sit back and watch her run her mouth, make herself laugh at things you know nothing about. Let her bring you into her world, trust me when you get there, you will love it. Always look into the eyes and smile as if you just can’t wait to find out what happens next in her story. Make sure its sincere guys, women love talking about their lives and having people listen. Show her you have good insights and opinions too, don’t be afraid to share some personal stuff about yourself as well. Don’t get too personal but make it special for her.
Seduction Rule #4: CHIVALRY NEVER DIED! 95 percent of guys are jerks, pervs, lames, idiots etc etc. So if you’re reading this you have a huge advantage of the majority! Do small things that she is more than likely not use to. Open the door for her, pull out her chair, especially car doors (women love that). Try holding her arm or hand once or twice, if she goes for it the 2nd or 3rd time she likes it, if not don’t keep grabbing her. She may have a dude somewhere local and not want to get things messy… (Sad, kind of funny, but true.. some of these women are the biggest pimps… let’s not be naive to that)
Seduction Rule #5: Guys if you did not hear anything else, please hear this. Most important part of getting a girl to like you. PUT HER PLEASURE FIRST and MAKE HER FEEL BEAUTIFUL! Simple as that, do this alone and you’re almost sure to get in those sheets. Tell her she’s beautiful often, let her know she is the baddest woman in the room/club etc. Find things about her to compliment, like her smile, hands etc. Never say breast or butt, come on now… that’s just silly. She has to be convinced that she is the best thing that’s dropped since my mom’s apple pie. When you do finally get her where we all want her, make sure he gets hers first. If you trust her, its clean, smells good… I suggest all fellas going downtown. If you don’t know how to do it well… there are resources out there for that too… Trust me when I say she will thank you soon later.
Now I know there are a lot of specifics and questions some of you may have, especially on that first date as to how to build rapport and chemistry. OK ok, you pulled it out of me, I will go over that as well in my next section.