Martial Art Styles – Benefits for Women
Learning a style of martial arts can help women defend themselves from sexual and physical abuse, being raped, robbed, harassed, and more. In order to protect themselves, it is important that women learn some style of martial arts. This could help get them out of some dangerous situations because martial arts can help them learn self-defense. When choosing a style of martial arts you should choose one that suits your personality.
This is the oldest form of martial arts in the Orient. Among women, this is the most popular form of self-defense techniques they choose to learn. It will help them build a strong personality and help improve their body contours. This style does not involve the use of weapons but instead uses kicks and strikes. These kicks and strikes are inflicted upon the pressure points and when practicing it will help you become more alert, both physically and mentally. It will help you watch out for possible evil intentions and advances, builds eye and hand coordination, and strengthen your body.
Muay Thai
This style is practiced by the Thai people and is known more by the popular tile of kick boxing. It was taught to the soldiers as a self defense technique to learn to fight without weapons if they have to engage in hand to hand combat or have lost their weapons. In this style it involves using as weapons your feet, head, knees, fists, and elbows and is considered to be the most deadliest and powerful style that is practiced. This style benefits women in not only self-defense but it is great for toning your butt and legs. It helps in weight loss because its great cardio exercises.
This is a style of Korean martial arts. It means to “break or strike with foot.” In South Korea, it is the most popular style of martial arts for women. It is a combination of philosophy, self-defense, sport, exercise, and meditation. It helps women to increase their natural physical strength because Taekwondo uses their entire body. It helps to strengthen a woman’s hips, the core, and her arms. It uses many kicks that can be quite damaging and will help a woman combat the strength of their attacker.
Jiu Jitsu
This is a Brazilian sport that will help a woman to become physically aggressive and strong and is the perfect style of martial arts for those who are physically weak. This style teaches women methods of escape, hold, control, and get away from their attackers who are generally stronger and larger. It teaches women how to get away using fast movements if someone is on top of them by using principles of angles and leverage.
These are just some of the many different styles of martial arts.